VeTek semiconductor is a leading manufacturer of Porous SiC ceramics for the semiconductor industry. Passed ISO9001, VeTek Semiconductor has good control on quality. VeTek Semiconductor has always been committed to becoming an innovator and leader in the porous SiC ceramic industry.
Porous SiC Ceramic Disc
Porous SiC ceramics are ceramic material that are fired at high temperatures and have a large number of interconnected or closed pores inside. It is also known as a microporous vacuum suction cup, with pore sizes ranging from 2 to 100um.
Porous SiC ceramics have been widely used in metallurgy, chemical industry, environmental protection, biology, semiconductor and other fields. Porous SiC ceramics can be prepared by foaming method, sol gel method, tape casting method, solid sintering method and impregnation pyrolysis method.
Preparation of porous SiC ceramics by sintering method
Properties of porous silicon carbide ceramics prepared by different methods as a function of porosity
porous SiC ceramics Suction Cups in Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication
VeTek Semiconductor's porous SiC ceramics play the role of clamping and carrying wafers in semiconductor production. They are dense and uniform, high in strength, good in air permeability, and uniform in adsorption.
They effectively address many difficult problems such as wafer indentation and chip electrostatic breakdown, and help achieve the processing of extremely high-quality wafers.
Working diagram of porous SiC ceramics:
Working principle of porous SiC ceramics: The silicon wafer is fixed by the vacuum adsorption principle. During processing, the small holes on the porous SiC ceramics are used to extract the air between the silicon wafer and the ceramic surface, so that the silicon wafer and the ceramic surface are at low pressure, thereby fixing the silicon wafer.
After processing, plasma water flows out of the holes to prevent the silicon wafer from adhering to the ceramic surface, and at the same time, the silicon wafer and the ceramic surface are cleaned.
Microstructure of the porous SiC ceramics
Highlight advantages and features:
●High temperature resistance
●Resistance to wear
●Chemical resistance
●High mechanical strength
●Easy to regenerate
●Excellent thermal shock resistance
porous SiC ceramics
Pore diameter
Surface roughness
Air absorption value
Flexural strength
30 Dielectric constant
33 Thermal conductivity
There are several high requirements for porous SiC ceramics:
1. Strong vacuum adsorption
2. Flatness is very important, otherwise there will be problems during operation
3. No deformation and no metal impurities
Therefore, the Air absorption value of VeTek Semiconductor's porous SiC ceramics reaches -45KPA. At the same time, they are tempered at 1200℃ for 1.5 hours before leaving the factory to remove impurities and are packaged in vacuum bags.
Porous SiC ceramics are widely used in wafer processing technology, transfer and other links. They have made great achievements in bonding, dicing, mounting, polishing and other links.
Txinan Porous SiC Vacuum Chuck fabrikatzaile eta hornitzaile profesional gisa, Vetek Semiconductor-en Porous SiC Vacuum Chuck oso erabilia da erdieroaleen fabrikazio ekipoen osagai nagusietan, batez ere CVD eta PECVD prozesuei dagokienez. Vetek Semiconductor errendimendu handiko SiC Hutseko Chuck fabrikatzen eta hornitzen espezializatuta dago. Ongi etorri zure kontsulta gehiago.
Irakurri gehiagoBidali kontsultaTxinan Porous Ceramic Vacuum Chuck fabrikatzaile eta hornitzaile profesional gisa, Vetek Semiconductor-en Porous Ceramic Vacuum Chuck silizio karburozko zeramikazko (SiC) materialaz egina dago, tenperatura altuko erresistentzia bikaina, egonkortasun kimikoa eta indar mekanikoa duena. Erdieroaleen fabrikazio prozesuan ezinbesteko oinarrizko osagaia da. Ongi etorri zure kontsulta gehiago.
Irakurri gehiagoBidali kontsultaVetek Semiconductor-ek obleen prozesatzeko teknologian, transferentzian eta beste esteketan oso erabilia den SiC zeramikazko Chuck porotsua eskaintzen du, lotzeko, skribatzeko, adabaki, leuntzeko eta beste esteketarako, laser prozesatzeko egokiak. Gure Porous SiC Zeramic Chuck-ek hutsean adsortzio ultra-sendoa du, lautasun handiko eta purutasun handiko erdieroaleen industria gehienen beharrak asetzen ditu. Ongi etorri gurekin kontsultatzera.
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